This is an in-depth course that takes place over a number of months, typically 5 and is designed to produce the Improvement Champions that your Company needs.

Participants are taken from a variety of businesses and attend a series of separate modules. Each of the participating companies "hosts" one of the modules and benefits from an Improvement Activity being conducted at their site.

A course outline is provided below. If you have any further questions please contact us using the contact us page. For a detailed course specification with course dates please click here to download in Word format.

Module 1 (3 Days)
 Module 2 (5 Days)
 Continuous Improvement in Context
 Communication Skills & Key Building Blocks
 Common understanding of the origins
 Listening skills and verbal influencing
 Key components of a C.I. programme
 TPM and 5S
 Insight into their own personality traits
 ABC analysis and Kanban
 Shared experience with participants
 Set-up reduction activity

Module 3 (5 Days)
 Module 4 (5 Days)
 Team Facilitation & Problem Solving
 Training and Development Skills
 Team, process and task dynamics
Identification of training needs, design of activities
 Meeting skills
 Presentation skills
 PDCA cycle
Waste elimination, cell design & TAKT
 Problem solving activity
 Standard operating procedures
 Waste elimination activity

Module 5 (3 Days)
 The HOSCAR Team Event
 Demonstrated learning from previous modules
 Employee communication, problem solving and team development skills to achieve customer satisfaction
 Management of process reviews as a validation of course skills leading to certification

Please contact us using the feedback form if you would like to take part.

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